Does CBD Work?

More people in the wellness world are turning to CBD for its powerful anti-inflammatory and anti-anxiety effects, but just as many are confused about the nature of the compound. Make sure the company is selling products made from industrial hemp (which is legal in all 50 states and in many countries worldwide). This means any product containing CBD is not regulated, and you could end up purchasing an oil that is mislabeled or of bad quality.

He took as much time as I needed to explain their product and how he thought it could help me. Three days after starting the CBD oil regimen, I am almost completely off of the narcotics. Several studies have found that the use of CBD oil is helpful in reducing anxiety, meaning it could be a beneficial natural remedy for sufferers.

That's where Ramesh Zacharias, the Medical Director of Hamilton Health Sciences Corporation in collaboration with the Michael G. DeGroote Institute for Pain Research and Care at McMaster University in Hamilton, Ontario and Dr. Antonio Vigano and Dr. Maria Fernanda Arboleda of McGill University in Montreal are doing related studies.

Oftentimes CBD oil helps with both nighttime sleep and daytime focus, in which case it can be taken multiple times throughout the day. CBD oil has shown promise as a treatment for both depression and anxiety, leading many who live with these disorders to become interested in this natural approach.

One study found that multiple sclerosis sufferers experience increased mobility, reduced muscle spasms and reduced pain when treated with a combination of CBD and THC for one month; while another pure cbd oil study demonstrated CBD and THC improved pain management for those with rheumatoid arthritis.

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